How do you ship packages?

Packages from our warehouse in United States will be shipped by different mail couriers based on weight and size of the product.

Do you ship worldwide?

No, we do not ship outside of United States or to United States’ Territories such as, but not limited to, Guam and Puerto Rico.

How long does shipping take?

Shipment by Ground Courier can take up to 5-7 days for delivery. Express Courier, upon customer request, can take up to 3 business days, or shorter, for delivery. Shipping timeframes are calculated once the order has been processed. Please note that due to COVID-19, we are experiencing a high volume of orders and order processing can take up to two day. 

Do you provide tracking information?

Yes, you will receive an email that contains your tracking information once your order ships. If you haven’t received tracking info within 2 days, please contact us.